Friday, November 23, 2012

Burning Turkey

This thanksgiving I have been challenged with having a lot to accomplish in a short time frame so instead of boiling my turkey in oil to cook it, I decided to use the new smoker for the job.   This post is not about me actually burning the Turkey, most folks who know me know that I have smoked meat all my life and just CALL it 'burning meat' , not actually meaning that it gets burnt.  Starting with a pasture raised turkey from Freckle Face Farm and some Creole Butter marinade I shoot the bird up with the entire jar.

I have used this marinade for years and it's one of the easiest ways to add buttery flavor with a slight Cajun twist to your bird AND keep from having dry meat.  The breasts, legs and thighs got generous injections.

Samson looks on with wishful thoughts of dropped turkey in his head I am sure.

This year my new propane smoker and a half bag of Hickory smoking chips provided the 'burning' needed.
The first hour of smoking was at 275 to seal the outside of the bird. Then I lowered the heat to around 200 and kept the bird in there for another 4 and half hours.

Purty ain't it? 

 After carving the dark and white meat.

The bones along with some Tatsoi, Carrots, Celery, Onions and spices go into a stock pot.
Nothing goes to waste with this fine bird.
 I am taking these bones to the farm to feed my soil.

After freezer bagging most of it, this smaller pot is headed to the fridge.

  Soup, salads and sandwiches will feed me this next week fer sure.

1 comment:

  1. We had smoked turkey this year too! Non-traditional sides, supplied by local farmers too. Cauliflower casserole (which everyone in my family thought was potatoes--NOPE, tricked you into something healthy!), raw broccoli salad, sweet/sour green beans, etc. No heavy starch, no bloated, gotta unbutton the pants feeling... just satisfaction!
